Thursday, July 7

Bersih 2.0

  1. Clean the electoral roll
  2. Reform postal ballot
  3. Use of indelible ink
  4. Minimum 21 days campaign period
  5. Free and fair access to media
  6. Strengthen public institutions
  7. Stop corruption
  8. Stop dirty politics

Bersih is a coalition of NGOs who wish to demand that Malaysia's Election Committee do a better job. You may search for its details online because this is my simple explanation about Bersih. Basically they're sick of looking at the incompetence and biasness in how the Election Committee functioned. So they wanna rally and demand that democracy is practised in this country.

Bersih is not supposed to be politically skewed. It does not serve any political body. The Bersih people discuss their demands, plan for their rally and invite the public as well as political parties to join them in a walk to democracy. However the current rulling government might not like Bersih for they-know-what reasons. So they feel threatened. And they make things difficult for Bersih 2.0 to happen.

The last General Election was in 2008, looks like one will be happening soon. Anytime this year or next, perhaps? If the Bersih 2.0 movement brings about some change in how the coming General Election is run, and if elections are held with justice and fairness due to this change, if Bersih 2.0 is what it takes for such change, I wish to be a part of it. Of course, being Malaysian long enough I've learnt to be skeptical towards anything to do with good happening in Malaysia. However I still can choose to believe in miracles. Just like how I can choose whom I would like to rule over me when I am eligible to vote. By the way hoping that I, and many other people my age or younger, would not need to register in order to be eligible to vote upon turning 21. Really hoping I can make it for the rally in KL, trying to find ways to get to and get out of there. Just wanna start doing more than just praying silently and talking loudly.

I believe in the demands of Bersih 2.0 and my prayers are with and for them.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.


Mayyee Yapyap said...

Reli impressed le..There're very few people having thought like uu..Everybody know how to talk but few of them willing to step out for change and act..Miracle?Perhaps it happen..Keep it up,Joel..

Lo Kelween said...

well-written, Joel.

Joel Yap said...

Thanks Mayyee!

Elween?? I think I fainted upon reading your comment.