Saturday, June 9

When ignorance is a blessing

We live in a capitalistic world, where values of materialism is drilled into the members of our society regardless of age, gender and race.

We judge by appearance; I learned that stuff on the outside matters from the tender age of God-knows-when. We value prestige over character, more often than we wish we did. And more than often, prestige is highly associated with fortune.

We know to compare the stuff we use and the services we pay for.
Your neighbour wears Crocodile while you wear Bata, why should you be feeling ashamed at all? Think about it. If you rightfully earned the money to purchase your shoes just like your neighbour did, why should you be feeling inadequate when you walk down the streets together? Blame it all on Capitalism? Or the shallow human mind?

O! What a blessing it would be if one could be ignorant to branding.

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