Thursday, December 27

羊儿 别放弃



前头的道路不好走,但羊儿 别放弃!

© Joel Yap

Saturday, December 8

ICU posting: Week 1

It has been a rather long week though I felt it went by just a little too quickly. Not sure how to accurately describe the past five days. Anyhow, I still do not know if it is a good thing that it has passed.

Currently doing my internship in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, a place that functions somewhat differently as compared to the general wards. The way the nurses work there is quite different and has given me tremendous stress for my 12-week posting. Please do not get me wrong for they are excellent nurses! Too good that I realise where my standards are, be it skills wise or in terms of theoretical knowledge.

Could I ever be half as good or fast as them in twelve weeks??