Wednesday, June 15

RM1.8million Facebook pages

Just read in the papers today that the Malaysian Tourism Ministry had spent over RM1.8million to setup and maintain 6 Facebook pages! Actually I learned about the news yesterday. And my first reaction was like..... Well my first reaction isn't important.

So much money?! Come on, Facebook is free. Even my niece, in her tender age of 8 knows how to setup an account for herself, by herself. Why couldn't the Ministry make use of its tech-savvy MP's? And if they're willing, I'm sure many youths can jolly well do a good job too. For free.

6 Facebook pages for more than 1.8 million Ringgit?! Why do I always hear such jokes happening in Malaysia? This is what you get when you let clowns run the country- jokes. Worse still, clowns who do not fear the rakyat. Spend our money like we would neither know nor care. By the way, if any form of corruption were to come to light this time, no need to worry also lah, sure got happy endings anyway. At most, those found guilty would just be transferred or demoted. Nobody's gonna get sacked. Our government is so gracious. Somehow when rulers rule badly, they just get their powers diminished, not taken away. Our government doesn't fire its kakitangan. How nice.
Malaysia boleh!

By the way, since we have such expensive Ministry of Tourism Facebook pages, we mustn't let them go to waste. Might as well access everyday. I think I'd better set one as my browser's homepage lah. Don't waste OUR RM1.8million!

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