Sunday, January 9


Something I learned in church this morning: to have passion for something is to be willing to suffer for it.

Meaning if you believe in something true, you'd take risks, endure hardships and perhaps even die for it since the truth in which your belief lies may be really worth your life or more. That is passion. It drives you.

I have a newly developed interest in photography.
Found myself spending almost half the afternoon editing a few images when I was(am still) supposed to be preparing for an important presentation as well as a skill assessment, both taking place tomorrow.

If I were to have a passion for photography, those hours spent were certainly worth the pictures in my hard drive produced today. Here's one on my Tumbly blog.
However my passion in nursing should come before photography. Or at least the responsibility as a student should have kept me away from my photo editing software for that time being.

It's all about timing.

Reminding myself to be aware of priorities- Studies before hobbies.

If I had a passion for nursing, I'd be willing to suffer for it.
I should not let a passion for photography lead to any suffering in my studies at all.

Remember, Joel!

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