Wednesday, May 18

Watch what you watch

Feeling bored? Wondering what to turn to when you're done with the stuff you usually read?(Or you don't read so much?) When you cannot sleep and your iTunes playlist starts to bore you a bit, what do you do?

I watch some movies and TV series online during my free time. Illegal? Sue me.

Recently, I took noticed; the new shows I tend to pick usually have to do with crime. Not trying to say anything, but some people have turned violent after watching too much violent stuff, no? I seen documentaries of sex maniacs and serial rapists who claim they would not had been what they were, if not for pornography during their teenage years.

You are what you eat. What enters your body will inevitably change you from within, given time. Surely there is more than just food to the mouth. We have sound waves and visible light; coming to our ears and eyes.
Just a reminder to myself, reminding myself out loud here so that readers who stumble upon this blog post might be blessed(warned) too.

Better watch what you are watching.

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