Thursday, January 19

Goodbye to Kitty

The kitten I rescued that followed me home two nights ago had to leave lest she starve to death as my house mates and I are returning to our respective homes for Chinese New Year. No one will be in for at least four days. No choice but to say goodbye to the little cat. By the way, I named her Pandai.

I never felt more like a new father before; throughout Pandai's stay with me I bathed her twice, fed her more than twice and constantly thought about her. Not sure how to put this in appropriate words but I guess Pandai enjoys my company. She likes to rub her fur on me from time to time, this scares me when I'm unaware of her doing it. She seems to like playing with me too. The lazy afternoon we spent together yesterday was one of my most satisfying activity of the week. However, like any father-child relationship, there were times that called for some disciplining for Pandai's own good; like whenever she starts to scratch the furniture or jump on my books.

Sigh, our meals. I eat out or buy takeaways. For the past two days I never failed to buy some extra fish for Pandai. By the way, not stuff that I would usually pay to eat. And I tend to feel upset when she doesn't eat her food. So this is how parents feel when their children refuse to eat or play with their food, huh? Nevertheless Pandai will always finish her food at her own time.

Lastly, I am most appreciative of Pandai's kindness in excreting her wastes as I hoped, in a place I provided. Took some sand and placed it in the kitchen. She did it! In the sand! That saved me a lot of washing.

Well, it is time to say goodbye to Pandai. I regret not having the time and capacity to look after a cat. And I pray that Pandai will be safe and taken care of. Goodbye.

Wednesday, January 18

I Lost Count - Joel Yap

I lost count
how long ago your last ‘hi’,
still unable to accept
the way you said ‘goodbye’.
What I feel, after so long-
does anyone care?

I lost count
of the days we had;
time has a way, of wiping away
cheerful memories better than the sad.

I lost count
how many tear drops fell,
as the silent nights went by.
You face in my dreams, vivid,
that smile- ever so warm;
thus my heart- always this cold.

I refuse to count
the days I must go on
sitting in between memory lanes
confused: where I am;
and where to go!

© Joel Yap

Kitten from the Drain

One fine evening, Joel decided to go jogging. Actually it was just last night lah. He ran by the main road and train tracks. To think of it now, he shouldn't have done so, inhaled so much carbon monoxide! No wonder he got breathless so easily.

After about 3 or 4 kilometres, he heard some crying nearby. No, it was not The Witch from Left4Dead/Left4Dead2. Well at least Joel thought he heard a cry. But it was the sound of a cat trapped along the drain. Shoot! For a moment he thought he would be famous for saving a baby's life. Anyway Joel couldn't bear to simply ignore his conscience and continue running. He looked down, the kitten was there meowing; he moved to the left, it followed; he moved to the right, it followed too. Ah, what was he to do? Upon much contemplation whilst the kitten continued to cry for help, Joel climbed down the deep and large drain in attempt to rescue the poor thing. That drain- deep enough to hide Joel's shoulders when he set foot at the bottom of it; wide enough for one to cycle without knocking into either sides of the walls if careful.

Surely Joel must have looked stupid to the drivers and passengers of the oncoming cars on that busy road. Mind you, he was in Singapore. Land surface area so small but cars so many! Digress. Joel brought the kitten out of the drain and found difficulty getting himself out instead.

To Joel's surprise, the animal literally followed him back to where he lived! Remember 3 or 4 kilometres? They went all the way back on foot and on paw. The Good Samaritan, with the help of his kind and helpful house mates managed to give the kitten a bath and some food to eat. And it stayed with them for the night.

Phew! Never felt so good about writing about myself.

Friday, January 6

Foto Friday

 Long time since I last wrote in Chinese!
Here I am to Worship by Tim Hughes.
I'll be leading worship in Mandarin,
for the first time in my life. 

Translation available on Worship Central.

Wednesday, January 4

To pray

I have decided to commit myself in prayer for my nation; negara ku- the land where my blood flows.

This commitment will be more serious than my previous ones. A long-term commitment to pray. Because Malaysia needs prayer like never before. I can attempt to tell you why so, but at this point of time I do not wish to sound like a rebel against the ruling government. In fact, I do not want to become a rebel; but instead would love to pray prayers of blessing over both sides of the political divide, regardless of where my support lies personally.

Every citizen has a part to play in nation building. I am merely doing what I can, and I want to do it now. And I want to do what I can do tomorrow, tomorrow. And so forth.

Will register as a voter as soon as I become eligible!

That said, there is so much more to what Malaysia needs other than deciding on who to rule and run the country.
Join me!

Monday, January 2


 同人; 毕竟还有彼此之差。

所 以 , 无 论 何 事 , 你 们 愿 意 人 怎 样 待 你 们 , 你 们 也 要 怎 样 待 人 , 因 为 这 就 是 律 法 和 先 知 的 道 理 。
馬 太 福 音 7:12