Saturday, February 12

Classes over

Today is Saturday, yesterday was Friday, it's the end of the 17th week of my Year 1 Semester 2, in which there were 17 weeks of classes. Hence my classes had officially ended yesterday.


It's amazing to see how time flies. Not too long ago I contracted Dengue fever and was afraid of being absent from the first few days of this semester; now I am writing here at the end of the same semester. I'm having a study break now, finals kicking in on Thursday. Feeling the need to manage my time wisely as well as praying for the urge to study to befall me. I like about half of the modules I took this semester- Human Bioscience, Introduction to Sociology and Pharmacology. Also realise that I happen to like the lecturers who taught these subjects. Haha, maybe there's a link between interests in studies and favour towards teachers. Nevertheless the obligation pay attention to all subjects that I am assigned to study still exists.

Back in Kluang now for a few days because I can't stand my current landlady to escape all the boredom I might need to face in my current rented room in Singapore.

Looking forward to get over with this semester's clinical attachment to mark an end to my first year as a nursing student!

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