Saturday, October 22

Moving Mountains

"...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you," said Jesus, in Matthew 17:20.

The other day I just had lunch at Subway with a few college mates, and I requested for mustard sauce in my sandwich rather than the usual- mayonnaise. In case you did not know, I always prefer mayonnaise. "Mayonnaise please," would be my reply almost every time whenever someone gave me a choice between chilli and ketchup. Big deal, so, what? Haha, sorry I couldn't resist talking about mayonnaise. It has been nearly two weeks since I last consumed mayonnaise.

Another thing which I could not resist then, whilst having lunch, was to try to figure out how my sauce was made. I found my answers soon after that day's classes ended. Mustard seeds! If you have not already known, what does a mustard seed look like, you may go ahead and make use of an online search machine; just like how I learnt about making mustard sauce.

Anyway my point in the paragraph above was just to get you to have an idea of the size of a mustard seed. No, you don't have to make me any mustard sauce. Digressing.

Having faith as small as a mustard seed? Did Jesus forgot to mention how much a mustard seed weighs? Or were the mustard seeds much heavier two millennia ago? Notice I already have three questions here, and I haven't even gotten to the part where He talked about moving mountains! Perhaps faith is so strong that the ratio of it, to how much it can achieve is that great. However, wouldn't a mustard seed be too easily blown away by the wind? The ups and downs in life, are stuff that we can never escape from experiencing. Both the earlier and latter are more than capable of shaking faith. I have seen great men fall in their success; yet strong men who give up fighting after losing just a few battles. Is faith as small as a mustard seed enough to withstand the storms life has to offer? Why did Jesus not choose a durian seed or a coconut instead? My suggestions are definitely better than the mustard seed, right?

Perhaps Jesus was trying to show us that the mountains in our way are nothing if we were less faithless. Well, throughout history, God always enjoyed shaming the powerful with the insignificant or the less-qualified. The giant from the Philistines was defeated by a young chap named David. A little pebble was all it took to bring the proud Goliath down. Thus the ratio stands. Little is enough to do much.

Imagine what we can do if we had enough faith. Faith in the right things, the right truth and the right God. Just think about how much we can achieve, had we no need to worry about how to get to our dreams, given the correct motives. Imagine having nothing to hold you back. Imagine youself with no limitations, since God is on your side. You have potential to conquer mountains after mountains, you just need faith as you can take for granted that strength will be provided. Hah! Think about that- faith to believe that strength is provided. Along with the required resources too, for the matter.

Looking at the potential of faith, I must say that we can be very powerful people. Yet why do some of us seem to be living such defeated lives?

Is your mustard seed moving a mountain, or is the mountain too huge? Nothing can be impossible, claim that truth today.

1 comment:

wth said...

yeap! you got that right bro! we are very powerful people, the same Spirit that resurrected Christ from the dead lives in us! (Rom 8:11) The question now is, how are we proclaiming His power in our lives? How are we living victoriously everyday?

Btw, i loveee mustard. like a lottt. like how you like mayo. haha.