Tuesday, December 6


Attention: Teaching in progress
The learning topic is as stated in the title above.

Humility is a lesson God is teaching me now, I know it. I also know that it isn't something easy to embrace. But one should practise it nonetheless.

I am good at some of the things I do, within certain social groups in which I possess memberships in. In other words, I am better in certain areas when compared to some of my peers. Not that it made me a snob though. The advantage of being better has its disadvantages as well, ironically. Nobody is perfect, I just happen to be found in a place where many of my peers tend to look up to me, they know who to turn to when in need of sound advice; at least I innocently believe so.

Pride comes before fall. I knew my pride had been given opportunity to grow, thus my guard in turn went down. I knew today that I had become too laid-back. And God needed to allow me some failure lest my character diminishes any further. Now, looking back, I am able to identify a few near misses where I almost fell, in the past. Well, now I know they were lessons to learn. Alas, people don't learn when it doesn't hurt. Those near falls before weren't enough to teach me the lesson of humility, apparently. Thus justifying what happened to me this day.

"I need Thy thunder, O my God; Thy music will not serve Thee," said John Donne.

Sigh, had I listened to the gentle whispers, this failure may not be necessary.

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