Sunday, December 11

Waking up

Does your life revolve around schedules and plans? Are you giving your alarm clocks power over yourselves? As for me, setting tomorrow's alarm is practically a must-do daily. At times, a single day may require more than one alarm ringing time.

Whenever I get to rest my head, 'what to do next' and 'at what time' are essentially the questions I am forced to ask myself before really resting.

This sucks. Haha! Hi, Joel. Welcome to Earth.

Well, it's a Saturday night. I go to church tomorrow. Therefore I need to fall asleep in time in order to get adequate rest for the next day; so no drinking tea tonight. Besides that, I have to wake up on time otherwise I would be late and in turn break a promise made to a friend- to meet up at the train station before walking to church; so no alcohol tonight.

Looks like 'what to do next' and 'at what time' control more than just my alarm clock, they also have a say in my diet! Or fluid consumption, for the matter. Welcome to Earth.

Good night, and have a good week ahead. Don't forget to make good use of your alarms and planners, maximise your efficiencies!

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