Friday, April 9


What are friends for?

They coexist with you in an environment. They talk to you, you talk to them, some of whom you have more things to talk about with, others less; but it doesn't matter because all are still your friend.
Friends rejoice with you over happy occasions, they are there for you during less-than-happy occasions too.
True friends laugh and cry together.
We are theoretically and technically in a family though apparently not.

What is family for?

Generations after generations, some connected by a surname, others not; but related by blood anyway.
You see each other during festive seasons, or more often- even better.
The young respect the old, the old teach the young. One of most precious between generations is mutual understanding.
Family members should love each other. They see a need, and they try to meet it. When help is needed, help would be offered.
They shorten the distance between you and your dreams, out of concern, making ambitions reachable.
We are literally a family, no need for theory and technicalities.

Friends and family: divine blessings.

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