Tuesday, April 27

French fries

Am now sitting in a corner somewhere within the premises(or WiFi hotspot for that matter) of Nanyang Polytechnic. Just went to check out the gym for the very first time as I now have access to the sports facilities, just got my student card today.

Anyway the last class today ended at 6PM, and at 7PM a website was open for registration for our general studies modules. So, I, having no internet access elsewhere, stayed back and waited till the wesite was open. While waiting for the clock to hit 7, I decided to go burn some fats in the gym! After a weekend spent at home in Kluang, I put on about almost 5kg of body weight, so...

So I did some jogging and tried lifting weights, didn't dare touch the dumbbells or experiment around so much as there were many fit and some rather huge hunks building muscles. I felt intimidated, hahaha.. Thus ended up jogging. Looking at the clock, I left by 7.30PM to register for a general studies module.

French was among the top in my list of interested modules, not because of French fries, of course.
By the way, anybody wants to give me a treat or receive a treat from me at McDonald's the next time I return to Kluang? =D

Sigh, guess what..... around 7.30-7.40PM when I signed in to the colleg's portal to register for the module, French was already unavailable. Hello, the time for registration starts at 7. Half an hour later and places for French classes are all gone? Singaporeans, really efficient! Looks like there are many students out there who are as interested in learning up French. Looks like they are more enthusiastic(or kiasu) than me...

Well, signed up for personal financial management in the end.
Good idea to learn how to spend and manage money wisely, so I don't go broke as a student!

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