Sunday, April 4

kan bu shuang

Ever felt irritated at people by their actions? Ever gotten impatient with such people? Ever felt like slapping someone so hard that the person might end up in the mother's hometown?

Nobody has perfect patience, so it is extremely natural to sometimes feel irritated by people especially when nobody is perfect.

I see the way certain people talk, the words that come out of their mouths, the kind of words that come out, the kind of topics they speak about, etc. I see the way certain people behave on a basketball court or any other sports field, I become so frustrated when people repeatedly play as if the game is not about teamwork.
I see favourtism in all people, I see it in myself. I see the way boys speak to girls, and the way boys speak to boys. I see people treating members of the opposite gender better, and I do not know why should it be this way.
I see people gossiping, I see people backstabbing each other, I see people's various bad habits.

So many things irritates me! Well, who is not susceptible to feeling irritated?

However as I took a break and gave a thought to the things that had been irritating me, I remember the fact that I too irritate people. Perhaps I am even better at irritating people around me!
Friends get annoyed at me sometimes, close friends especially.
My apparent attitude sometimes piss people off, many have been hurt by my tongue, I bet people dislike me too.

Come to think of it, should I even have the right to feel irritated when people do things their way, although when their way is not good?

In need of patience
and realisation.

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