Tuesday, June 15

Hospital Sponsorship Offered!!

The one I wanted, the one I wanted from the beginning, since a year ago.
Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive" and now I say "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" as I stand amazed at the wonders of faith-ful prayers.

I asked for TTSH, SGH came, I gave in and made the first step in accepting the SGH offer. And now I can get TTSH;. Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his only son, and his son was spared when he obeyed the instruction.

The interview at TTSH today was successful, and I am glad the hospital will be offering me a bursary.
Now awaiting the emails, and whatever processes and stuff, as such things need to be black and white.

So much grace, really so much grace, overflowing my cup!

With a thankful heart,
Year-1 Diploma in Nursing student,

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