Saturday, June 19

Pain in the tongue!

Bit my tongue sometime this week while I was at home. Haha, too much good food that all the eating got me impatient in chewing! Lost quite a bit of blood then, ever since I spent every waking moment in pain.
Unable to eat as fast and as comfortable, is a very torturous thing to happen, especially when good and cheap food is surrounding you.

Now it seems the inflammation has travelled to my throat, it is painful over there too!

Ok, first I can't chew properly; now swallowing is affected also? Argh...
This morning there was blood in my sputum, or was it dark chocolate from last night? Haha!
Anyway, am having a sore throat right now, what a misfortune.

Well, speaking of misfortunes, I consider mine nothing actually. There are so many people out there going through even more difficult times than compared to the pain within my mouth. I remember how it is like to be in the midst of pain and suffering. Nothing is easy when people can neither understand how you feel nor know how to offer you help. At such times it is faith that keeps your world together: Faith in the invisible yet existent forces of unfailing Love, and belief that true friends will always be willing to be by your side though they may not be of practical help.

Pain, something so annoying; something so unavoidable. As pain was designed for the benefit of us, man.

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