Monday, July 26

Asked and Given

When I was younger I was taught "ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened for you", till now what I was taught still applies. The Children's Bible Club didn't lie to its children.

How good indeed, is a promise, it is good when the promiser keeps his or her promise; however there may be devastating effects on a promisee if the promises were empty. I am blessed to be found in the earlier now.

I remember vividly, a year ago praying for a bursary for my studies. Financial assistance was and is a must as the living cost in Singapore is so high. I remember many tears in those prayers. I remember unfortunately having no guts to pursue this dream as it was a bet. And my life went wrong, turned upside down as a result of lack of faith.

Then a second chance came, I prayed the same prayer again- asking for a bursary. Lo and behold I am now awarded one. In fact, there was not much feelings of surprise when I learnt of having gotten it. In my heart I knew I would be provided for, one way or another. God chose to answer yes to my prayer, and I am more grateful than shocked. Grateful also for all the good things in my life, especially people. It is just amazing how this life is although it sometimes(many times) sucks.

I asked for bursary, it has been given unto me.
Thankful, am I. Now to learn how to be a good steward of it.

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