Wednesday, July 21

Expiry dates!

Why must this natural world cause things especially food to denature? The food we buy always have a timeline in which we must consume it before it turns bad.
I bought some food in the past two days, began to start thinking to myself in the bus on the way home. "I'd better finish this by when; better eat that up by when...", saying in my heart. Otherwise the food I bought would go to waste unless I am prepared to take the risk by eating stale food.
  • The loaf of bread expires on July 24;
  • Two cups of yoghurt I bought, each expiring on the 29th.
  • Instant noodles? Nah, shouldn't worry too much about that!
  • A tin of milk powder, remembered the importance of a good bone density to prepare for old age. Expires in August next year but still not sure if I have the ability to finish it by then.
  • Bus concession, though is not a food item, expires by the end of the month too. Should I opt for concession next month too? Going for attachment, not sure if it is still worth taking up bus concession.
Even manna could expire, why should I or anybody complain about expiry dates? Earthly things come and go, I'm learning to live with this phenomenon.

Speaking about expiry dates, I remember once writing something called Expiry Date.

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