Sunday, July 4


Oh now I know, his name is Mohandas K. Gandhi. Mahatma means great soul, what others called him.

I wanted to make better use of my NYP student card, went to the library indecisive of what to borrow. All the shelves and shelves of uncountable books....well, they looked Ok.. Hahaha! Sorry, not for me yet. So I recalled friends borrowing movies to watch, thus made my move to the DVD's.

There were some nice movies there but I didn't know what to watch. While browsing through the stuff there a particular title caught my eye- Gandhi: His triumph changed the world forever.
At that moment I knew I would be taking it home to find out who actually is Mahatma Gandhi. Have heard about him freeing India and so on, but did not really read up about what he had done actually. Next I began to search for documentaries on Mother Teresa in the same section but found none. Never mind, one DVD will do.

Watched the winner of 9 Academy Awards at least twice to date, might watch again before returning it to the library next week.
So inspired to the words Gandhi had spoken. He must have been an excellent writer and leader.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind.
I specially respect Mahatma for his belief in nonviolence, ready to fight and die for a cause but not prepared to kill. Salute!

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