Sunday, July 18

Your Failed Investment

I wonder why
and I wonder how
you could do this
Stepped in like a loving family;
stepped out like passer-by

My life: your failed investment
the withdrawal
ended it
that you nurtured
Like a pearl being crushed
by its own mollusk

Your helping hands
the warmest pair
drew far from me
revealed a cold heart
I, your eyes could no longer see

Then your absence so prevailing
struck me like a whip
able to save me
when I dangled on a cliff

I remember your good words
and my good deeds
spoken and unspoken
and I remember
all done with expectation
of nothing in return

So why must I yell and wail
when you pulled out from your investment?
Broken promises turned daily bread
and past memories fill the atmosphere
Why should I keep this wound opened
and put the blame on you?
When love was given
in unconditional
you do as you wish
as you always have

and I, shall never hate you
for this

© Joel Yap

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